Vienna, Austria

Classics and Class ..


9/1/20234 min read

I got to tick something off my bucket list here. A night at the Opera 😍 Technically it wasn't a full Opera - it was a classical concert by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra (all Mozart - with a few numbers by both a baritone and a soprano) - at the Wein Musikverein Musikverein Wien: Programm, Spielplan & Tickets - Vienna Classic - and it was incredible.

I arrived at my hotel in Vienna, late afternoon - after a flight from Dubrovnik, then a train-ride from the airport to the Vienna central station, another ride on the underground trains to the steps at the base of St Stephens Cathedral, then a solid 25-minute walk with almost 40kgs total in luggage. I thought the wheels were going to fall off - both figuratively and literally. The front drivers-side castor on my main suitcase is about to blow, and if I lose it, I'm going to be in trouble. She wasn't made to do all the mileage she's done (I'm beginning to feel a bit the same myself) - so I'm treading extra-carefully with it for the next few weeks, then it will be off to 'big-purple-suitcase-heaven' 🤍

When I arrived at the airport and was waiting for my bags at the carousel, I had spotted a brochure for the concert schedule - and as luck would have it - there was to be an 8.15pm event for the Saturday night I was here. I got straight online to buy a ticket, and by the time I had arrived at my hotel, grabbed a coffee, and ironed out a couple more future bookings for my trip, it was time to put on the one decent dress I have with me, and head to the concert hall. Pics below - it was absolutely beautiful and everything I imagined it would be. The hall itself was a work of art - both inside and out. The conductor was as much fun to watch, as the music was to listen to, and the whole evening transported me back in time to when I was a little girl and my lovely Nanna would let me play her classical records in the lounge, while she baked in the kitchen. Needless to say then - between the sound of the music and the memories that came back - there was a moment where I felt quite emotional. A night I will remember. Physically - I did some damage. I decided it would be a good idea to skip the taxi and walk the 30 minutes back to my hotel in heels, in order to see the city by night. Let's just say, a couple of my toes will not be fit for covered footwear for a few days.

Day #2, I managed to clock up just over 19,000 steps on my tracker - exploring the city and visiting the palace - An Authentic Experience of Imperial Heritage | Schönbrunn Palace ( The gardens alone took up almost 2 hours - and as one of the UNESCO world heritage sites, it's one of the most visited sites in Austria. The palace and grounds are HUGE! I also made it through the St. Stephen’s Cathedral ( - and is also HUGE. As the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna and the seat of the Archbishop of Vienna, it's a pretty impressive place - and I imagine that being present at a Christmas Day Mass - or similar - would be an extra special experience.

So, my impression of this city of almost 2 million people - formed in the day and a half I got to visit here?. beautiful. Yes, again. Another stunning place to visit. You'll know by now (if you've seen my other blogs) - that I'm a fan of historical buildings (well - almost all architecture, to be fair) - and it took a twist here. Quite unlike the solid Romanesque buildings in Greece and Turkey, the buildings here seem from quite a different era. Much more ornate - some, extremely so - with coloured stained glass windows, and adornments like those seen on the ceilings in the Palace, the Church and the Concert Hall - in my pics below. There were more high-end European cars here than I have seen since Dubai, and you can almost smell the money. Well dressed men and women are out shopping and partaking in a Europeans' favourite pass-time - dining. As such there are a million places to eat and drink. Good coffee is back on the menu, after some of the 'muddy' tasting coffee in Greece, and the tea in Turkey and Dubai. It was very clean, extremely safe, has super-efficient public transport (so no congestion on the roads thanks to the trains and the trams!) - and was still lovely and warm - comfortably so - with the scorching summer heat now starting to fade.

If my life-long mission of winning the lottery ever comes to fruition - Vienna is the place I will head to for interior design inspiration and furniture shopping - as the kitchen concept stores and furniture places I saw here were straight out of Vogue magazine. Love!

My stay at Home - Riess City Hotel | Apartments & Zimmer | Wien ( was also a good find. Away from the centre just enough to be quiet, yet close enough to be handy to everything. A compact but very clean room, with a comfortable bed, a definite feeling of safety as a solo traveler, and a nifty little coffee machine to keep me going. Definitely value for money, in an area of the world where the accommodation prices can be a bit eye-watering.

In terms of food.. my willpower is getting a workout every day that I am in Europe!! I managed to resist the crayfish, the abundant chocolate on offer, the fresh bread and pastries, and the aromatic sausages, but succumbed to the most amazing schnitzel for my Sunday night dinner. I mean you can't come to Vienna and not eat the schnitzel, right?!

Thank you Vienna - I hope to see you again some day.

Divine Dining in Vienna ...

Vibrant Vienna ...