Mind, Body & Soul

The Gold Coast is a Well of Wellbeing ..

A Clear and Present Culture of Health & Wellness

Something that was immediately evident upon arriving at this sandy strip on the East coast of Australia - was the overwhelming number of 'gym bodies' amongst the population here. It seems impossible to be able to walk more than a few metres in any direction, at any time of the day or night, without spotting lycra-clad lads and ladies - of all ages. People working on looking and feeling good, and looking good while they're doing it.

There are more gyms and yoga barns than I have ever seen. A myriad of merchants selling apparel and accessories for the gym sessions, the hot-girl walks, and the 'I'm-at-a-cafe-but-I-want-everyone-to-know-I-lift' tribe. There's an abundance of health-food stores and outlets selling supplements and sports-nutrition. And for anyone in search of cafes and eateries selling ready-to-go smoothies, salads, gluten-free, keto, or macro-measured munchies - it seems the GC is the place to be.

Week #1, Day #2 - I myself joined a gym. As a relative newbie to the gym world, and self-conscious of being one of the oldest and least experienced in the weight-room; my first session had me feeling both impressed at the facilities, and more than slightly overwhelmed. I've since tried attending at all hours of the day and night, and have discovered that regardless of what time I show up, it's busy, so any attempt to avoid the masses is futile.

5 mornings a week, my day starts with a walk along the beautiful boardwalk from Broadbeach - either Northward to Main Beach - or South toward Nobby Beach. It's an invigorating way to start the day for sure - and one of the perks has been discovering some of the coffee stops the coast has to offer, that are scattered along the trail. Since arriving here late in October, I've had to start my walk earlier and earlier in an effort to beat the heat, although I'm now at the point where I'm lacing up my shoes at 5.45am and I'm still feeling like I've just stepped out of a sauna by the time I've finished the 7-8km stretch. My next move may have to be to get up before the sunrise at 4.45?! Like the gym though - despite turning up earlier and earlier to get it done - the numbers of others out exercising doesn't seem to have dwindled with the hour on the clock. Walkers, runners, cyclists, scooter-riders and swimmers. Doggos, kiddos, people of all ages. It's definitely a 'thing' here. And why not?. in this climate, and with some of the most beautiful views around - it's a great way to start the day.

My journal sessions and mindfulness work usually come next in my day, as another part of my holistic health approach this year.

I'm exceedingly grateful to be able to enjoy an extended period as a 'pretend-retiree', after my solo-travel escapades, and to be able to dedicate so much time to continue my own fitness journey, while I look for gainful employment. I'll make the most of it while I can, and in the meantime, I'll also give thanks that my journey led me here. It feels like exactly where I need to be for now, and I'm super excited at the prospect of being able to add more 'layers' to my health and wellness mission. I've got lots of ideas in terms of my own goals, as well as inspo to share. Thanks for being here and reading along 🌼