Time to Shake It Up

My new addiction has added another layer to my wellness mission ..


1/4/20242 min read

Time to take Health and Wellness up another notch ..

With my new mindset and approach to ditching the diets and focusing on nourishing my body instead, I've found a wellness and a way of enjoying food that is now a way of life. No going back. This is the good stuff. It's an approach that has finally worked for me - for the first time in my life. It's sustainable, enjoyable, and quite honestly good for the soul.

But there's always room for improvement. Ways to tweak things. I'm always open to adding things into my diet that will further compliment the way I fuel my body - and when I recently stumbled upon a company selling shake-powders and supplements - made ENTIRELY of organic, WHOLE-foods, and nothing else, it was a no-brainer to add them into my day.

I've started with the shakes. At only 140 cals per serve, they're not meant as a meal replacement - but they're honestly so filling, they keep me going either as a light breakfast, or in between workouts. I only make mine with water and ice-cubes most of the time, but they turn into a little powerhouse snack by adding fresh fruit/veges, nut milks, yoghurt, and/or seeds and nuts. They're high protein, low fat, and packed with all sorts of vitamins and minerals that are necessary to help our bodies to function at optimal levels.

Since starting on the shakes just over a month ago, I've experienced a real, measurable lift in my mood and energy, as well as a visible improvement in my skin. I love the taste, I love feeling full without the feeling of being bloated in between meals, and best of all - I've come off the plateau I was experiencing with my weight-loss!! They're an absolute win/win. At the cost of less than one cup of coffee, they're also incredibly affordable. They GF, vegan and dairy-free too.

I feel so comfortable backing these products, that I've joined as an ambassador, and would love to get as many people on board with these as possible. By selling these products I can make money simply by using the products myself, and helping others to improve their health. Products like these feel so in alignment with the way I look after my body now - and I'm excited to have found this company and these amazing supplements to compliment my everyday.

Sure - there are plenty of other similar things available, but I'm yet to find other supplements that are 'the complete package' like these are. Ethically and sustainably produced, affordable, completely natural - made from organic, WHOLE foods, in convenient bulk packaging or single-serve satchet options - and a 4-month supply even comes with a payment plan option. The opportunity to partner with an energetic, supportive team of like-minded women (and men!) - to make an extra income, was the cherry on top for me.

I wanted to try the shakes on their own first, so I could measure the benefits before trying the daily supplements that are available, but now that I know how good these are, I'll definitely be adding the supplements next!

Head to my CONTACTS page and drop me a message, or DM me through my instagram for more details if you're interested in either just trying the products for yourself, or using them and joining the team with me, as a little side-hustle!🌼