Kuta, Bali

A Surfers Paradise


6/27/20232 min read

So Kuta..

Bustling, commercialised, not my jam. I came, I saw, I'm looking forward to going to Uluwatu even more than I was before. There will no doubt be plenty who would disagree with me, and prefer Kuta to other places here, but for me, there's just not enough 'Bali' in Kuta for me. I only stayed 2 nights - at Hotel in Kuta Bali - Risata Bali Resort & Spa - which exceeded my expectations vs the pictures online and the price I paid. The staff were so lovely, the room was the biggest I've had so far here and the whole resort was well appointed, with a huge pool, and really close walking distance to the start of the paved boardwalk that takes you the full length of Kuta Beach. I was up early on after my first night here and decide to beat the heat and see how far the boardwalk went. Turns out it's FAR! And after an almost walking 6kms in one direction, I decided I had better head back. When I checked my walking app at brunch afterwards, I discovered I had walked to Seminyak Beach! Who knew it was so close?! (ok - well probably lots of people, but my geography is shocking.. it's one of the things I'm working on, ok?)

So the main strip of beach is lined with little cabanas, each either an individual warung, a vendor of some sort, or a stand for surfboard rentals and lessons. Google will tell you Kutas' popularity stems from being the OG surf spot in Bali, but I'd say any self-respecting surfer would steer clear of the central part of the main beach, and head to the fringes instead.. the waves are definitely beginner-sized and swimmer-friendly, and the sheer quantity of tourists grouped in the water, competing for a slice of the whitewash was insane. A very family friendly beach though, with a gazillion deckchairs, beanbags and spots to park on, to knock back a few Bintangs and catch some sun.

The pool called me for the afternoon - and while I was lazing in the sun, I got to have a nice long chat with my 'baby' in Australia - and wish him a happy 25th birthday πŸ’• eek.. now both my boys have celebrated a birthday while I've been traveling - marking the first time in their lives that I've not been able to see them on their special days πŸ˜₯

I haven't been venturing out much after dark, anywhere in Bali, but I was feelin' it on my last night, so decided to wander up the main street near my hotel. The sheer number of buisnesses still open after dark, and the buzz of people around makes it feel exceptionally safe. Everything looks so different at night. Against the black of the night sky, the neon lights and strategic lighting from the hotels and resorts illuminate a whole other place. I was struck by the beauty of St Francis' church - the saint my Dad was named after πŸ’•- so there's a photo of it in my gallery for you to see πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ , then I stumbled upon a cluster of food trucks in a large communal space in front of the Lippo Mall, serving up so many taste-temptations that I had trouble deciding. I landed on the most delicious mixed-pepper quesedilla, and settled in to listen to the live music and enjoyed the vibe for a while, before it was time to head home for the night.

The rest of Kuta offers masses of shopping - not the least of which at the huge Galleria Mall. There's 'Waterbom' - Bali's largest water-park, and there are countless tours you can do outside of the city, that are on offer in so many other parts of Bali. There are bars, nightclubs, lots of westernised eateries, and traffic that jams the streets in every direction. That's all a yeah-nah from me. Night 2, I'm dreaming of Ulu πŸ’•

Slim pickins' in Kuta...

Kick back in Kuta...