55 'BALI'

Time to focus solely on myself. My physical health, mental wellbeing, and start building time freedom..


4/1/20234 min read

I first traveled to Bali in October 2019 - just before the world was exposed to Covid 19. Prior to that, I had rejected any suggestion of visiting the country, as I had envisaged a dirty, overpopulated place, where your days were more likely to be filled fending off insistent hawkers and devious beggars, than sipping cocktails on pristine beaches, and that notion simply did not appeal. But after accepting an invitation by my best friends to join them on a holiday there, I found that the image of Bali I had conjured up, could not have been further from the truth. I discovered instead, that it is a lush, vibrant environment, filled with the most beautiful souls, who seem to be happiest when serving others. They are polite, helpful, GRATEFUL people, so eager to give what they can, despite having so little themselves. The way of life there is slower and simpler than the cities of other countries. The weather is warm, the beaches and surf are plentiful, and there is an abundance of shopping and nightlife on offer, should you crave more 'activity'. But I think more than anything, there's something very spiritual about Bali. It's a place of healing. For much-needed rest, or soul-searching and contemplation. It has a special vibe that is difficult to put into words, but rather, should be experienced first-hand. It was the perfect choice for me - to start my "reset" journey. I can't wait to get back there...

So the thing I've decided to focus on first and foremost, as part of my 'reset' is my physical health. I need to drop some pounds. Being honest with myself, I have too many aches and pains for someone my age, and I'm just not comfortable at my current weight. I eat too much junk. I don't exercise enough, and I don't get enough sleep. So I've been looking for inspo.. an epiphany if you will. This time has to be something radically different than anything I've tried before. A totally different approach. Dig deep time. Enter 75 HARD .. the phenomenon doing the rounds on social media platforms such as Tik-tok, leaving a trail of 'challengees' in its' wake. No doubt there are a large number of people that make it through the 75-day grind to reveal an astonishingly altered reflection, but I'm willing to bet that the biggest group is made up of the people that dive in with the best of intentions, only to find it all too hard. Oops.. another failed attempt to achieve physical perfection πŸ™„ So while I do applaud the theory, the kicker is in the name... it's HARD!!!! It goes something like this..

  • No alcohol (I think a few people might be out just with this one?!)

  • Drink 3 litres of water every day

  • Follow a strict diet of some sort

  • Do TWO x 45-minute sessions of exercise per day - and one of those MUST be outside

  • Read 10 pages of a self-help / entrepreneurial-type book (great, but I have another idea..)

55 'Bali'

I've tried and failed on enough diets in my lifetime, and I know I'm not alone in that. So while I agree with the basis of the 75 Hard regime, and don't doubt that those that stick with it achieve enviable results, I wondered about a slightly different version. One that was slightly more achievable, and therefore, less likely to be added to my list of failed weight-loss attempts. A version that included something for mental health, and maybe tackled the root cause of the problem, rather than just the symptoms. A version with an option to omit one of the exercise sessions, because let's face it.. TWO??. And for the icing on the cake - what if I could just smash it out in 55 days, and not 75?. This is starting to sound exponentially easier.. and also fits with the amount of time I can visit Bali on a standard visa πŸ˜‚

I need this to be a new way of life. Something sustainable long-term - rather than a hard-core 75-day-only challenge. I reckon I can form some great new habits and live an overall healthier lifestyle, as a better version of myself. There'll be some soul-searching required along the way.. so often, the reason we 'hold on' to excess weight is psychological - yet we expect to achieve long-term results with bean sprouts and pilates, without looking within. So here's my idea..

  • No alcohol yep, keeping this one.. it's only 55 days - and it really is one of the biggest factors affecting our health - and there are so many benefits!. wake up every day with a clear head, clearer skin, better sleep, never pay for an Uber, and save money on the booze! .. (full disclosure.. I'm expecting to enter Bali with a hangover, after goodbye-drinks with the besties πŸ˜₯)

  • Drink 3 litres of water every day - already one of my best habits. Once I got used to peeing so often - not much beats the feeling of being properly hydrated

  • No super-strict diet! Just eat as clean as you can, as consistently as you can :) .. without being so restrictive that you want to binge! Eat REAL FOOD - forget the shakes, the powders, the protein bars and pills to start with. Think fresh, colourful, raw, nourishing, unprocessed, wholefoods. I've almost completely stopped using the scales, and I don't count calories. Cut refined sugar but keep healthy carbs! This one is a total mindset shift. No more trying to 'lose weight', but instead try to focus on 'healthy eating' - nourishing the body! (I've lost 15kgs so far from Dec '22 until the date of this blog and managed to stick with it).

  • At least ONE x 45 minute exercise session per day. But push yourself! Work up a sweat. Inside or outside - just MOVE :) If you can do more, that's great! But fuel your body accordingly, and give yourself a tick for the day if you do at least one session.

  • Write down 10 things every day that you are grateful for. I love this practice.. on its' own, it has the ability to change your whole freakin' mindset and live a much happier life. This is the mental health finale to my version of this challenge, and the part that I think rounds it all off to make my version a more holistic-health approach.

** Side note.. this all doesn't actually have to take place in Bali!.. but I love the idea of committing to this in some place that is your "bliss".. it could just as easily be at home, if that's your happy place. Either way, you have to agree that swapping "Hard" for "Bali" sounds more appealing??.. I'm ready to grab a journal, get ready for some daily soul-searching, and I'm excited to see how much better I feel at the end of my first 55 days ❀️

"What would happen if you gave this 100%? For 55 days. Actually in Bali"

.. that's the question I asked myself.. and I'm about to find out!

As well as all the gorgeous food pics, and travel blogging, I'm going to document this, and put my theory to the test .. want to join me? 🌼